A special thanks must go to Roger Bunney who has been a tower of strength and arranged
the dedication of the memorial and other aspects of the gathering in May 2003, together
with all the associated correspondence and background work that you never think about,
and never see. My name has appeared in the press, if only as a contact, but Roger's
hasn't. However that in no way lessens his contribution -
Thanks also to an 'email correspondent' who wishes to remain anonomous -
Also to 'Wight Air Wrecks' for starting things off, -
The Isle of Wight County Press for sending me all their archives and allowing me
to reproduce some on the site, the National Trust for agreeing to the memorial and
then digging the large pole needed to plant it, to the AJ Jackson photographic collection
for advice, help and the photographs, the staff at Ventnor Radar, John Tietjen for
the superb colour photograph on the front page of the web site, Becky Fawcett for
the painting -
Also to my cousin Julie Hill who came to the UK from Australia on a working holiday to Bristol and found herself making sarnies and serving teas in St Lawrence village hall.
The goodwill, generosity and sheer hard work has been unbelievable. Thank you -
I don't think I have infringed copyright or trodden on any toes, but if I have, please accept my apologies and I'll credit the item, remove or alter as necessary.
We must say thank you to the site sponsors -
..... and thanks also to Dave Brennan at A1 Blasting in Bristol for doing the surface preparation on the monument free of charge.
A big thank you to The late Dave Williams for the lovely line drawing of G-
Passengers aboard G-
Farvis Ltd
The National Trust
Bill Woolstencroft
A1 Blasting
Freshlook Engineering Ltd
Tuffnells Parcels Express
Red Funnel Ferries
Site Sponsor
.... and finally thanks to Gill, my wife. Thank you for putting up with endless
theories, hill walking, photocopying, obscure books and late night Internet research
on Dakotas, NDB's and Radar, -
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