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Links Page

B&B near the Memorial Site

If you are looking for somewhere to B&B on the Island you won't do better than stay with our good friends at Hermitage Court Farm, just a few miles outside Ventnor.  If you want peace, quiet, wildlife and stunning views, together with super cooking , wonderful hospitality plus a beautiful country home and a relaxed atmosphere,  contact Jayne by clicking on the Link.  Too many superlatives ? - not once you've been there!


Our sponsors FARVIS LTD who kindly made the web space

available although we must stress that they have no involvement in the site content.


Links used in Research

Airline History (you can spend all day on this site! )


Wight Air Wrecks:

Mostly wartime material but they put us on the track of Zulu Bravo - and started the whole project!  See the site and then read the book Andy has written - this is fascinating - you won't put it down. Great detail, well written with an easy to read style.


Crash Research:


Aviation Safety:


The A J Jackson Collection. This is a huge private archive of civil and military aircraft photographs dating from the early days of flight with an incredible range of illustrations, all available for purchase.  Thanks for making the RAS and BEA photographs available for this site without charge .


A fascinating site about Ventnor Radar Station

